Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I thought I had posted something about....

trying to get into Comfest. I skimmed through my posts and didn't see anything so I'm goign to post it's own documentation.....

ComFest is Columbus, Ohio's Community Festival. It is held every year at the end of June, usually Thursday through Sunday of the last weekend. The stories I have heard from other crafters is that if you get into Comfest you will sell everything! :-)

Well this year, apparently, our application, check and pictures were lost. I'm almost thinking this is an Omen of some sort. Last year we applied for Comfest and got a letter back almost within the same week we sent it in that we didn't get in. This year We (meaning Crazy Craft n' Ladies, 21st Century Quilts and Curious Good and my friend Kristie) hadn't heard anything so we were thinking that maybe, just maybe, we got in and they hadn't sent the acceptance letters yet.

Oh well, I think it worked out for the best. I need time to make more items, I'm still looking for a full-time, permanent, job and my Grandma is also down visiting so I am wanting to spend time with her. I am hoping this gives us the chance to look into other craft shows this year.

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