Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Updating my Websites - Ravelry, Goodreads and LibraryThing

Last night and today I've been updating some of my websites.  On Ravelry (CrafterbyNight) I barely had anything on there, from projects to books to really anything. This is how it all started: I met up with some of my friends on Friday night and Cath (BeanCountKnitter) asked me if a book I was trying to tell them about was in my library on Ravelry.  Well to my dismay it was not and my fleeting memory could not remember the book's name.  I have a Goodreads account but I don't have a lot of my craft books on there.  So I got the idea to start tracking all of my books.  First I went to Ravelry and uploaded a few of the books that I had available at my fingertips.  One of the books that I was trying to upload couldn't be found so in the description of Add Books it said I could go to and upload their thingy to import books into my account.  Since I already had Goodreads I thought that I could use Librarything to keep track of just the books that I own, not including the books that I want to read.  I uploaded about 20 books and tried to upload the importer from Librarything and I got the message that it was either not working or the site was no longer available.  That really got my goat but I felt that I could still use Librarything for keeping track of my books.  So I went ahead and uploaded some more books on it last night and today just a few minutes ago.  I added more books to Ravelry and even finished reading a book a little earlier, I updated my Goodreads account and added more books that I wish to read to my account.  I say that's a lot for a good day of rest and relaxation!

Now I'm going to have a bowl of chili and watch a movie.  Happy Sunday!

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