Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Friday, November 19, 2010

So much to do and so little time

One of my dilemmas are that I'm trying to fit reading into my daily activities. Reading was going well.  I was reading during my break at work but I had quit taking my break or when I did take it I used the time to make phone calls.  So other than listening to books on CD/Tape I wasn't physically reading anything.  Not all good books are available to listen to.  I have since found that out.  Also, no craft books are on CD and if they were would they really be any good.

My time at home should, right now, be designated on cleaning and getting my house in order for the holidays.  I don't have time to read at home at all and I have been working on making scarves for the craft shows that my mom and I are going to be in.  I was also going to make some Christmas presents this year.

I'm still making those scarves for the craft shows.  We just had a craft show a couple weekends ago and we just had two craft shows come up for us to attend! 

I started one of my Christmas presents when we first started meeting at my friend, Andrea's house for knitting but I haven't worked on that since that 2nd time we got together and I'm far from being done with it.

Oh and did I mention that I also joined NaNoWriMo.  What in the heck was I thinking!  This is the Month of November!  It is the middle of the month, just a little over the middle of the month and I have two holidays to get through.   Also, the job that I have...........yeah, I work full-time in corporate America......................Has end of month and end of year close.  So I'm going to be working my booty off!

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