Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've recently been talking to my Mom and some of my friends about things I want to do.  What could be a better time than for me to start a Bucket List.  After all, I'm not getting any younger...just wiser!

These are all the things that I can think of right now that I want to do but not necessarily in any order:

1.) Meet my Pen Pal, Trish, in person.  (Yes, I have a pen pal!  We became Pen Pals in the 5th grade and have been in touch ever since.  Now we mostly correspond via e-mail)
2.) Meet Jon Bon Jovi!  ( I say that with an exclamation point because I've been to enough of his concerts, read enough articles on him and have seen almost every show that has featured him to feel like I know him.)
3.) Go to New Orleans.  I've always known my Paternal Grandmother was born in Louisiana but I didn't know that she was actually born in New Orleans and that she had other brothers and sisters.  I would like to research if not meet my family.
4.) Go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras!  Yeah, did you think that I could go to New Orleans and not go their for Mardi Gras!
5.) Go to Rio De Janiero for Carnival.
6.) There are a whole bunch of cities/towns (pueblos) in Mexico and South America I would like to visit.  I would list them but I don't even know that I could spell them correctly right now.
7.) Go to Spain.
8.) Go to Italy.
9.) Go to Greece.
10.) Go to France.
11.) Go to the UK to hit all the yarn shops!
12.) Go to Australia.  Since I know a little more about it now from watching Oprah's adventures there, sad but true, I've been thinking about going.
13.) Write a book.  Preferrably more than one but I'll start with one.
14.) Open my own Book/Yarn/Coffee/Pastry shop. 
15.) Use up all of my current yarn stash (I know, like that will ever happen!)
16.) Tour the Egyptian Pyramids.
17.) Eat at the Lady and Son's Restaurant.

That's all that I can think of for now.  Let's see how long it takes me to do any of the things I have on my list!

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