Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Friday, August 8, 2008

How are You GREEN!

No, I'm not a frog, but I thought I would see what people are doing out there to be "green". In my crafting I try to use what I have and not waste. I know sometimes it is hard but I don't like to waste anything, hence the clutter!

What I do in my at home life to be green is I recycle everything that I can. I have yard sales to try and get rid of what I can to make a very small "profit". What I do not sell I give to charity. I hardly ever throw anything that can be used by someone else away.

I recycle paper products, bottles, jars and cans. If you live in Franklin County Ohio, Most of the Kroger stores have recycle bins, Wal-Mart is now starting to have them and a lot of churches. You can also call up the Humane Society and the Alumn Creek Animal Shelter to donate used newspapers. This will hopefully also prolong the life of one more animal if they do not have to spend extra money on supplies.

I have started to purchase Method products. I have a ton of other products I have bought over time and since I don't like to waste, I would like to use them up first. I have a feeling that throwing them out or pouring them down the drain doesn't help the eco system either.

I make jewelry and crochet and knit. If anyone has any information on how to be greener doing these crafts, I would love to hear about it!

Let me know how all of you are being green!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

On-Line Friends

If you have an account on Goodreads or Ravelry and want to add me as a friend just shoot me a note. The more friends the merrier!

Test Today

Today I had to take a Civil Service Test for Southwestern City Schools. I'm not really sure how I feel about the test. I thought it was hard but I think it was because I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. The only information given to the people taking the test was that there was basic accounting, basic math and you had to be able to type 30 words a minute. Well there was no typing test and I felt that the basic accounting was actual technical accounting. I worked in the Accounts Payable department for a very affluent company for two years and some of that stuff I have never heard of. I'm thinking that my training at that particular company was very vague!

Oh well, I hope I at least passed the test. I might have to retake it again if I hope to work for the school district. Looks like I might be heading to Manpower after all.