Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Lily Pond - Goodale Park, Columbus

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Gift

I received a new IPod for Christmas. Let me just say it's the new love of my life! I love music so much and to be able to listen to it on this tiny little gadget. Who would have thunk! There is not enough time in a day to download all the music I want so I guess I will have many days of playing with my IPod down the road. Halleluha for computer nerds who keep coming up with these nice things to play with!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I've been thinking about this for awhile. I don't want this to just be something I write down but also something I implement into my daily life. I want to make changes and I want them to "stick"!

So here are my Resolutions for 2009:

1.) Eat Healthier
2.) Eat Less - I tend to eat more in the winter months - which I think is normal for most people, but I want to be more aware of my eating habits and cut down.
3.) Save money!!!!!! - cut down on junk food (which also helps in eating healthier), stay out of craft stores and Walmart. Yes, I tend to spend a lot of money at Walmart even if I just go in to pick up 1 thing real quick. Be more aware of the money I do have.
4.) Get all my bills paid off, except for major debt, such as my house....That's obvious unless I win the lottery or something.
5.) Win the lottery! (sorry, I just couldn't resist!)
6.) Read more. I love to read but never make time for it. I have a million books......okay, so I exaggerated..........But I do have ALOT!
7.) Learn new stitches and techniques with knitting. Make things for myself or for people as gifts.
8.) Get more involved with charity. I want to start making things to give to organizations and hospitals that collect for people that don't have much. Also, donate my time when I can.
9.) Spend more time with friends that I normally don't get to see often. Make time for the people that are important to me.
10.) Win the HGTV Dream Home! (come should always dream BIG!)